Some systems seem to be having trouble with the upgrade to v1.12, but I’m not sure what the problem is yet.
It has something to do with the GUI settings.
What helps is to reset the Usenapp GUI settings to the defaults as follows:
1) Close Usenapp
2) Open Finder
3) In Finder go to Applications/Utilities and open
4) Type the following command in and press enter:
defaults delete com.xoroxsoft.usenapp [enter]
5) Close You no longer need it.
6) In Finder press SHIFT-CMD-G (or in menu Go->Go to Folder)
7) Then in the text field enter the following text (including the tilde ~) and press “Go”
~/Library/Application Support/Usenapp
8) Select the “queue” folder and delete it.
9) Start Usenapp
If this doesn’t work, please send me the crash report (
Which version of MacOS are you using?